You might be thinking what all the fuss is about.

There are many other courses out there that give you technical knowledge and business skills so why the MBA? Is it worth the time and money?

We believe that there are few courses that have emerged that can rival the leadership, management and strategic skills that an MBA provides.

Getting a higher salary, entering senior management or even starting your own business are just a few of the advantages. Certainly though, taking an MBA will show employers and others a personal commitment to success.

What is an MBA?

The MBA is a universally-recognised award to prepare students for senior positions within business. Whilst many postgraduate programmes generally specialise in specific disciplines, the MBA is cross-disciplinary bringing together the major areas of business, including economics, marketing, operations and finance.

The Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration established the first MBA programme at the start of the 20th Century. Does this mean that the MBA is outdated today?

In short, no, the MBA is constantly evolving to meet the needs of the corporate world and society at large.

MBAs can take two years if you’re studying full-time. Students can also take it part-time or via distance learning which helps fit the MBA around work.

There are a broad range of MBAs available that vary in duration, cost and quality. One thing is for certain, there is an MBA to fit the needs of most individuals, whether they’re looking for prestige or just a boost in knowledge.

How will an MBA help me?

Firstly, the MBA is seen as THE qualification for success in management. People choosing to do an MBA do it because they’re looking to progress in their careers and use it as leverage to get into a senior management role.

New Career Opportunities

You only need to look at recent figures from the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) for proof. Its annual poll of employers found that 79% expected to hire MBA graduates in 2017 compared to 68% that hired these candidates in 2016.

Recruiters say that some of their clients will not consider anyone without an MBA.

Some employers believe that it filters out hires with the most potential. Whilst work experience alone counts for a lot, work experience with an MBA is a powerful differentiator.

According to Bloomberg, the top employers that consistently hire MBA graduates include, Ernst & Young, Deloitte, McKinsey. American giants like Apple, IBAM and Amazon are also constantly looking for MBA graduates.

In today’s crowded marketplace most people around you will possess the same credentials and qualities as you. An MBA will set you apart demonstrating drive, ambition and self-belief.

Help Start-ups

The real value of an MBA graduate becomes evident in an economy that targets entrepreneurial growth. Its one thing having a big idea and great product but turning that idea into a real functioning business is another.

An MBA graduate possesses the knowledge and business practices needed to start a business. The power of an MBA grad lies in having both the idea and the know-how.

Skills That Are Transferable Between Industries

It’s understandable for people to think that the MBA is outdated and not as relevant. After all, its been around for a while and there’s a vast number to choose from. The reality is that it’s never been more relevant to our lives.

If you look at all the institutions that you come into contact throughout your life – hospitals, schools, care homes – they all require leadership and management. For an organisation to function efficiently there needs to be good leadership. As the world becomes more deeply connected and complex, each sector needs managers that understand the complex business landscape.

Whether you’re a professional looking to change careers, an employee that wants to get into senior management or a business owner looking to grow your company, having practical and strategic business know-how is powerful.

Doing an MBA will change your perspective. It will comprehensively show you how a business works and how you can apply what you learn to real-world business objectives.

At Douglas, we offer an MBA that is assessed by assignments only allowing you to conveniently fit study around work. All modules are completed using a sophisticated online learning platform and can be accessed anywhere, anytime.

Download a brochure to see if an online MBA is right for you.

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